Friday, May 8, 2009 pada 4:54 AM
Dear Ibu. I know it`s super late but at least I still remember to say this to you. emm "Happy Mother`s day!". Ibu pn tau Rfq tido pukul 6 pagi bangun pukul 6 petang and sumtimes bangun tidoq at the midnight sebab assignment berlambak.siang tidoq malam hidup merayap.makan pun entah ke mane.kelas pun kadang2 tak pergi tapi takpe sebab Rfq da tak pedulik sangat dekat final neh.ceh pdhal dari dulu kuat memonteng.HAHAHA XD

and here`s a vid for you.Eventhough it doesn`t have any connections with us, ur son and daughters, but still, u`re one of a kind mother to us.

yes my mouth was filled with gold as it`s hard to say "I love you" to you.yes mega hard since I have never said it to, I would just continue my ego for no saying it to a son that have your husband`s attitude; the temper, the ego, the silent side, the mystery side, I would happy just by saying Happy Mother`s lovey dovey words for you as I would keep it as a secret that you could`ve knew the truth.that`s enough.bye ibu.

12 Balasan

  1. Luna Says:

    saya sayang mak saya.

  2. Rfq Kml Says:

    saya pun sayang mak awak

  3. Luna Says:


  4. Luna Says:


  5. Luna Says:


  6. Luna Says:


  7. Luna Says:


  8. Luna Says:


  9. Rfq Kml Says:


  10. Luna Says:

    sorry.. prob ngan connection sket.. so akibat kegeraman menekan banyak2 kali.. huhu..

    mak saya kem salam.. heks.

  11. Atika Azumi Says:

    ibu saya juga terbaik walaopun salu buat sy saket hati.

  12. Rfq Kml Says:

    ya.begitu juga aku.walaupun skarang aku sedang bengang dengan die.haha

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