Selamat tinggal. Aku rasa amat seronok dapat berkongsi masalah bersama semua yang membaca ini semua. Dan mendapat kepuasan yang unik menghiburkan sesetengah pihak dan memaki orang-orang tertentu di dalam blog ini.
I wanted to apologize for any inconvenience caused. Thanks for reading. Thanks to ibu ayah for reading too. Dont think that I cant trace that ;)
Thanks for friends that has always been supporting me from behind. Thanks for hitting my head and made me realize this and that.
Selamat Berpuasa dan Selamat Hari Raya. Selamat Hari Ulangtahun Perkahwinan, Selamat Harijadi yang ke __ (sila isi sendiri). Selamat Hari Deepavali, Selamat Tahun Baru Cina, Merry Christmas, Selamat Lahir, Selamat Pergi ke Rahmatullah, dan semoga selamat semuanya.
Till then, Goodbye. Salam. Sadaqallahul`azim. and Keep smiling.
ah~ kau dah tak nak blogging kah?
raafiiiqqq dont leave mee..... i'm ur loyal stalker of this blog....
hwwaaaaahhh ~
haha.hey thanks.and there are many others too, stalking like you.
this blog was just a phase of my problematic life.and i started to realize that everything started to work out for me.Thanks to Allah.
so, then, keep stalking. ;)
i, myself will miss and longing bloodily with this blog.haha
huh.igt da nak mati dah. Eh eh.Kalau life da jadi well dan beautiful, maknanya da xpayah blogging? em?
i dont mean it that way.
i just made it that way. :)
ala..tetibe aku rase cam sial
xkn sbb aku copy ckit ko xnk blogging dah...
aku br je..............
doggy. suppose kau post dulu ur birthday celebration with us (kakak2 tersayang) which should be held HARITU. heh. babi aku rindu kau.
bunny: hhaha.bukan pasal kau la bunny.i`ve made up my mind.relax la.kate member2 satu matrix dulu.ekeke.go die pls.takyah la emo sgt.haha
tika: haha.tak pasal je.nnt la aku buat mini blog subtitute kat facebook.dah puas ati?haha.ya ya aku rindu korang semua juga.
to rfq gay,
pg page aku,plz
But why?
phantom: honestly, i love blogging.but i dont have the real honest reason to answer your question.let it ends with another question mark. :)